Friday, October 23, 2009

취미생황과 습관

제가 제일 좋아하는 것이 책읽기예요.
언제나 어디에서든지 시간이 있을 때 마다 책을 읽어요.
하지만 일때문에 평일에는 시간이 별로 없어서 읽지 못 하때가 많아요.
보통 잠 자기 전에만 책을 읽어요. 가끔 운전종에도 잡지를 읽어요.

저는 도서 전람회에 가는 것도 좋아해요. 전람회에서 여러 종류의 책을 읽을 수 있어서 기분이 좋아요. 제가 제일 좋아하는 책은 유기예요. 유기를 읽을 때 다른나라의 문화와 유명한 것들도 알 수 있고 다른사람의 경험으로부터 만은 것을 배웠어요. 매년 도서지출비로 천 링깃정도를 써요.

그래서 제 방에서는 책이 많아요. 하지만 저는 방정리하는 것이 싫어요. 책이 침대와 책상위에도 있고 책장 안에도 있어서

제 방이 너무 지저분해요.

Last Quarter of the Year

I suppose times do have wings, else it won't be able to speed by so fast without a trace. I dunno how the third quarters arrive and how October come to an end and i will be turning 32.

Have been rather busy for the last few months, many things happen, people come and go, and i even started (yet) another new blog. (what am I trying to do ????)

Problem of communication among people as i mention at the beginning of this blog is getting worse over time. I am seeing more and more misinterpretation, misunderstanding, some people sometimes don't know what is the meaning of the words that come out from their mouth and some people only pick up the information as they have "assume" earlier when listening to other people word, which of course end up with a tangle of miscommunication.

Been thinking what should i do with this blog, should i just close it down (since i do not have time to attend to it) or should i continue and post some nonsense here?

Well, korean will be coming in soon, some comprehension exercise i did in class, yes i am attending korean lesson again.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

4th post

It has been awhile since i last came here.
It is now going into the 3rd quarter of the 1st quarter of the year, how time flies!
Been to macau and back, CNY is over, the economy is not showing any good come back, and the government is still fighting over unearthly things talking nonsense...haih...when will things take a good turn.
* * * * * * * * * * *
I started to believe in telepathy.
When both party think of each other long enough, missing each other strong enough, you will kind of feel it when the other party is calling for you.
yesterday afternoon i was thinking of him and i pick up the phone thinking to text him and see what is he up to and as soon as i pick the phone his msg arrive. while at night, after i text him, he called and told me that he was dialing my number when my text arrived....:) is it coincidence or is it because when the feeling is mutual, you will have this kind of unearthly psychological link....
when you are still in the middle of it, i would said it is very sweet....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

third post

what age is this where i will feel merrier with more work to do in the office, i really don't know.
well, i am not gonna talk about that yet at the moment. Recently i have feel a serious deficiency in human to human communication system.

Is this the age of communication break down, or an age of confusion?

Just the other day while i was sitting in the living room with my SIL and sister watching the same TV program, the host was saying one sentence but we end up with 3 different understanding, or 3 different interpretation, what the hell is this???

1. Is it the problem of the host's command of language?
2. Is it the failure of our language education system resulting in 3 of us can't understand the same thing?

Honestly i am still waiting for the answer.

Listening to the local radio doesnt help either. Many of the Radio advertisement don't make sense at all, the designer of the advert. only want to talk about their product but the setting up is not even leading to the right direction.

"So today XXX will advise us on the following question from the audience." Host said.
"I would like to buy a new car, what are the things that i have to take extra precaution of?" Audience asked.
"Well, first of all you will have to ask yourself why you need a car (?!), do you need it for family travelling or you need it to go to work or you are staying out of the way of public transport (so far so good). The necessity of having a car is important, if there are public transport in your area, it will be much cheaper to use the public transport rather than owning a car yourself (???), you must be clear that you actually need a car before you decide to buy one." Replied by the so call expert...

me ".............". I started to wonder, am i having language deficiency problem? or is this the new trend in the language where you ask what you want to ask but the person answer what he/she want to answer???

Somebody, enlighten me please.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

second post


Never really feel any passion about this job that i am doing everyday really, but somehow the achievement awards last night did gave me a bang in the head. Well, if you get appreciated for what you did, i suppose most people will be glad to do it again, and i am one of the most people.

Hopefully my high spirit will be able to sustain for the whole new year and not just went i get high with over consumption of German Beer.

first blog

i open a new blog again (yes, again), i wonder y i did it.
been blogging for over half a year now, actually i start blogging 2 years ago but i wasn't really into it that time, probably update once every few months, but since June last year i have been blogging constantly.

It is a really good thing that what i wrote there are reader, they leave me comment and also been really nice to me, but after awhile, after everyone start to know about me, where i live and wat i did, somehow, i feel a need to find a place where i can just write my thought, without having to worry about wat other will think, a place where i can just let my writing run wild, a place where noone i know in real life know me.

is this some kind of sickness?? i really dunno.
the other not so obvious reason is probably, i wanted to practice my english (and maybe other languages), that's how this blog comes about.

been drinking too much tonight, guess i better leave it here.
good night