Tuesday, January 13, 2009

third post

what age is this where i will feel merrier with more work to do in the office, i really don't know.
well, i am not gonna talk about that yet at the moment. Recently i have feel a serious deficiency in human to human communication system.

Is this the age of communication break down, or an age of confusion?

Just the other day while i was sitting in the living room with my SIL and sister watching the same TV program, the host was saying one sentence but we end up with 3 different understanding, or 3 different interpretation, what the hell is this???

1. Is it the problem of the host's command of language?
2. Is it the failure of our language education system resulting in 3 of us can't understand the same thing?

Honestly i am still waiting for the answer.

Listening to the local radio doesnt help either. Many of the Radio advertisement don't make sense at all, the designer of the advert. only want to talk about their product but the setting up is not even leading to the right direction.

"So today XXX will advise us on the following question from the audience." Host said.
"I would like to buy a new car, what are the things that i have to take extra precaution of?" Audience asked.
"Well, first of all you will have to ask yourself why you need a car (?!), do you need it for family travelling or you need it to go to work or you are staying out of the way of public transport (so far so good). The necessity of having a car is important, if there are public transport in your area, it will be much cheaper to use the public transport rather than owning a car yourself (???), you must be clear that you actually need a car before you decide to buy one." Replied by the so call expert...

me ".............". I started to wonder, am i having language deficiency problem? or is this the new trend in the language where you ask what you want to ask but the person answer what he/she want to answer???

Somebody, enlighten me please.

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